Thursday, November 17, 2016

How to HAVE FUN Building a Personal Brand on Facebook

A ‘personal brand’ is synonymous with your reputation. It refers to the way other people see you as a business owner. Are you trustworthy? What do you represent? What do you stand for? What ideas and notions pop up as soon as someone hears your name?

When you have a personal brand, people recognize and care about your name, what you’re working on, what you offer, and what you’re about. Becoming your brand is a process that most business owners have to go through including marketing, communications, networking, speaking - a variety of steps.

I was not aware of this process when I started. It is something that simply happened to me.

Once I had established an affiliate marketing program with Ujena Swimwear, I noticed that Catherine Cross became a fan of Senorita Limonita on Facebook, and I accepted her request as my personal friend. Then something amazing happened . . . she began to communicate to my provocative character as if she were REAL.

She wrote to Senorita, “ Hi, my name is Catherine Cross. I am the public relations director at Ujena Swimwear. I do all the makeup for the bikini models. I wondered if I could do the makeup for your next photo shoot.”

I saw that and thought to myself - well, this could be fun. I’ll play along with it. Senorita wrote Catherine a message and said. “Catherine, it would be an honor. I will let you know the next time I have a photo shoot.”

A couple of weeks later, Senorita received another message from Catherine on Facebook. She said, “Senorita Limonita, I just wanted to let you know that we have an event in October in Cabo San Lucas. It is comprised of bikini models, photographers and makeup artists from around the world. I wondered if you could come to Cabo in October to promote your margarita mix?”

There's a few in our history, where the person who creates it
becomes almost the product itself.
- Joshua Michael Stern

I was on a mission to get my margarita mix to the planet, so I strongly felt this was something I needed to do. However, SOMETHING had to change. It was apparent that my fictional character couldn’t go to Cabo so, at that very moment, I BECAME Senorita Limonita! Senorita sent a message back to Catherine that she would go to Cabo for this fabulous program and promote her amazing cocktail mix.

Catherine Does Senorita's Makeup.jpg

I had heard that building your brand through Facebook and other forms of social media  was very powerful, and that the relationship was not between the brand and the consumer, but with the dynamics between people. I was about to go through a transformation beyond my wildest dreams.

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